
For Patients Filing Dental Insurance

Due to the many recent changes in healthcare it has become increasingly difficult to verify specific dental plans. We will do our best to check if your dental plan is active, and if your plan is an in network plan with our practice, but ultimately it is your responsibility to know your insurance plan details. Please contact your human resource department or your insurance carrier if you have any questions.

We do a comprehensive exam and treatment plan for each new patient and spend as much time as needed to go over all treatment options. Diagnostic x-rays are an important tool necessary to identify your treatment needs and options.

We are happy to file a prior-authorization with your insurance provider so we will have a better estimate of your out of pocket cost for treatment. It takes time to receive this information so please keep this in mind if time is a factor.

Dental materials have improved and today the standard of care to restore a tooth is to use a tooth colored resin material in place of the silver amalgam material used in the past. However, some insurance companies do not cover resin fillings on posterior teeth (molar teeth) or they down code (pay less). If your fillings are down-coded to an amalgam filling, you may be responsible for the difference in fees.